To get on top of mastitis before you become very ill, we used to be advised: 'Warmth, Rest and Empty your breast'. However, new treatment advice is almost the opposite.
It’s your first festive season since you had your baby, you are wondering, how much can I drink while I am breastfeeding? Will alcohol pass through my milk to my baby? And, how can I drink safely?
The health nurse came to my home, she weighed my baby and told me, “you know her brain won’t grow.” My baby hadn’t gained ‘enough’ weight that week.
Pregnant? Planning to breastfeed? Lactation Consultant, Pinky McKay shares her top tips for the first 3 days with your newborn.
Is your baby wanting to breastfeed all evening? Anxious about your milk supply? Our IBCLC explains "cluster feeding" and how to manage.
Wondering, how do I get my breastfed baby to take a bottle? If you are returning to work or have been advised to supplement feedings at the breast, see IBCLC Pinky McKay's tips to help your baby take a bottle safely without compromising breastfeeding.
Hayfever season is here – and if you are breastfeeding, this means worrying what treatments are safe and don’t affect your baby or your milk supply.
You may have heard about foremilk and hindmilk, and worry, is my baby getting enough 'fatty' hind milk? Our IBCLC explains.
Throughout history and across cultures breastfeeding mothers have been fed galactagogues - special foods to boost milk supply. Just as certain foods are ‘lactogenic’ and can support your breastmilk supply, there are also herbs, drinks and foods that are anti-lactogenic...