Generally breast size doesn't impact milk supply, but for a small number of women, size and shape can be an indicator that there could be challenges to milk supply.
Breastfeeding will be more relaxed and comfortable for you and your baby and head off breastfeeding problems if you get a good latch right from the start.
Just like human blood, breast milk is a living fluid containing a range of germ killing substances, healthy bacteria, antibodies, white blood cells and antimicrobials that offer protection against bacteria and viruses.
See these important Facts about night time breast feeds to help you believe in your self, your baby and your boobs.
if you are expressing your precious breast milk, you don’t want to see even a drop get spilled or wasted. So, what is the best...
There’s nothing quite like four hours of broken sleep and cracked nipples to get you “in the ...
Partners, you can enjoy a close connection with your baby without offering bottles, which can cause unnecessary stress to a mum who is learning to breastfeed.
Throughout history, in all cultures, new mothers have been fed special foods to help them recover from birth and produce milk. Now, there is increasing evidence supporting these claims.
From new mothers, I often hear comments like: “I can’t even have a shower because I don’t know how long she will sleep for.”
Or: “It takes so long to get him to sleep that we start cooking dinner at 9 p.m.”
If your baby hasn’t yet been born, these sorts of things may sou...