The real life of running a business and being a parent! This podcast is for you biz mum or mum dreaming about your own business. Susanna is entrepreneur, blogger, boss babe and mother of two. She interviews successful women who share their business journey with you. She tells you as it is as a parent and gives you insight of running her own business and family life. She talks about mistakes and her learnings, her guests open up about their biz mum life, goals, inspirations and more. New podcast weekly, follow Susanna in insta @Nordicmum or FB @nordicmumsusanna
Pinky McKay is one of Australia's most recognised and respected breastfeeding experts and Creator of Boobie Bikkies. She's an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), mum of five and best-selling author of Sleeping Like a Baby, Parenting By Heart and 100 Ways to Calm the Crying.
Partners, you can enjoy a close connection with your baby without offering bottles, which can cause unnecessary stress to a mum who is learning to breastfeed.
Throughout history, in all cultures, new mothers have been fed special foods to help them recover from birth and produce milk. Now, there is increasing evidence...
From new mothers, I often hear comments like: “I can’t even have a shower because I don’t know how long she will sleep for.”