Throughout history and across cultures breastfeeding mothers have been fed galactagogues - special foods to boost milk supply. Just as certain foods are ‘lactogenic’ and can support your breastmilk supply, there are also herbs, drinks and foods that are anti-lactogenic...
Ideally, Colostrum, the yellowish ‘first milk’, an antibody rich immune booster often called ‘baby’s first immunisation’ will be your baby's first feed.
Partners, you can enjoy a close connection with your baby without offering bottles, which can cause unnecessary stress to a mum who is learning to breastfeed.
if you are expressing your precious breast milk, you don’t want to see even a drop get spilled or wasted. So, what is the best...
Trying to impose a strict feeding schedule, rather than watching your baby’s hunger cues is not only likely to result in unnecessary crying, but may be a risk to her health.
We asked mothers for all the reasons their babies wanted to breastfeed and here, we have 75 very good reasons babies may need to snuggle in and refuel on magic mama milk– besides feeling hungry!
From new mothers, I often hear comments like: “I can’t even have a shower because I don’t know how long she will sleep for.”
Or: “It takes so long to get him to sleep that we start cooking dinner at 9 p.m.”
If your baby hasn’t yet been born, these sorts of ...
"I was incredibly stressed and I knew something was very wrong but I thought, I am a mum, I should be able to cope,” says Sandy, a Melbourne mother of two who was diagnosed with postnatal depression when her first baby was three months old.